Who We Are

Robby graduated BYU-Idaho and went straight into real estate. He got his start selling homes in Southern California as part of a father-and-son team with his dad. He has been a full-time Realtor his entire career, and is passionate about helping everyone realize the importance and privilege of home-ownership. He believes in restoring peoples faith in their ability to achieve the “American Dream”. You may meet him as a stranger, but you will walk away as a friend.

Ashley graduated Oregon State University and has used her degree in Psychology in every aspect of her life. She got her start in real estate in an effort to help Robby with transaction coordinating so he could keep his attention on his clients. “I quickly realized how good she was at this and knew I had to have her out here with me-Robby. Ashley believes in educating people then putting them in the driver seat so they can take a more active role in this exciting process.

We absolutely love our growing family. Being able to raise our kids in a home of our own and to see the benefits of home-ownership first hand has inspired us to help everyone be able to experience this awesome privilege.