What to Expect?


There is a lot to do from this point on! We started with your pre-approval. If you haven’t done that yet, please go to the “our services” tab and pick a lender to contact.

  • Now we start looking! Chances are, you’ll find the home you want before we do. Of course, we will be sending homes, but ultimately you know what you want better than we do. So download utahrealestate app and get going! Send us what you find.

Where Buyers Found Their Home

It's a team effort!
  • Write the offer (it may take a couple of tries before we get one accepted. That’s okay!

  • Open Escrow at a Title Agency of our choosing. You’re going to want title insurance on your home. It’s customary to have them oversee our escrow because they are a non-biased third party.

  • Hire a home inspector (within 1 week of offer accepted)

  • Ask the seller for repairs

  • Get the appraisal done (ordered by lender)

  • Have a final walkthrough

  • Close Escrow!

  • Transfer utilities, update license, forward mail,

  • Moving day (R.A.R.E. likes to have pizza delivered as a thank you)

  • Invite R.A.R.E. over for your housewarming party

  • Follow R.A.R.E on Facebook/Instagram

From acceptance of offer to move-in day takes anywhere from 3 to 6 weeks. During most of this time we are waiting on inspections, appraisals, and the lender to craft the loan. R.A.R.E. will keep you updated and informed on all of the important tasks and deadlines. The best thing you can do is be timely in getting your lender anything he/she needs AND most importantly. DON”T FINANCE ANYTHING until after you close on the home.


If you’re to this point, you have already received a Comparative Market Analysis (comps) on your home from us. If not, please go to the “our services” tab and fill out the request.

  • Pick our price. It may sound silly, but this is the most crucial part of the whole process. Too low and we lose money. Too high and we sit. We get the most interest during our first two weeks so it’s imperative that we are priced right so that one of those first lookers makes an offer.

  • Hire a photographer. (Free service to listings of R.A.R.E) It’s important that the home be clutter free. No need for white glove cleaning at this point. Make sure surfaces aren’t burdened with stacks of jun… belongings. We need these photos to look good so we can attract attention.

  • We’ll put a sign in the yard and a lockbox on the door.

  • We’ll be by to make a spare key

  • Put you on the Multiple Listing Service (MLS) This is crucial to getting the exposure you want. This is one of the primary benefits of a realtor.

  • MAKE THE HOME AVAILABLE. We can’t stress this enough. We understand that evenings might be tough with children and bed-times, work hours might be abnormal, or sometimes you just get sick. That’s all okay. But try to not turn down showings when possible.

  • Accept the best offer!

  • Open escrow at a title insurance company of your choosing. You will provide a title insurance policy to the buyer. It’s customary to have that company be our escrow office as well because they are a non-biased third party.

  • Prepare for home inspection and appraisal. The buyers have a responsibility to inspect and appraise the home to make sure it will suit them.

  • Negotiate any repair requests

  • Allow for a final walkthrough

  • Start packing!

  • Close Escrow!

  • Leave utilities on for 3 days after closing so buyers can move in and get settled.

  • Move into your new place (hopefully purchased with R.A.R.E.)

From acceptance of offer to move-in day takes anywhere from 3 to 6 weeks. During most of this time we are waiting on inspections, appraisals, and the lender to craft the loan. R.A.R.E. will keep you updated and informed on all of the important tasks and deadlines. The best thing you can do is be timely in responding to any buyer requests/addenda and start packing so it’s not a mad dash 3 days before move out.